Thursday, October 30, 2008

Art Art Art Art . . . & That's just The First Few Minutes

Took this after I woke up, which I think scared the neighbors because they picked all the apples directly after.
The first snow only came last night.
Drew this a long time ago but had to post it now since tonight is Devil's Night:

Devil's Night is a long-standing tradition predating World War II, with anecdotal incidents occurring as early as the 1930s. Traditionally, youths in Detroit engaged in a night of criminal behavior, these were almost exclusively petty vandalism acts, causing little to no property damage other than perhaps a damaged mailbox or eggs hardening on windows.

However, in the early 1970s a dark side of this holiday emerged and the vandalism escalated to more severe acts such as arson.

In 1994 film The Crow Set in Detroit, the film shows in flashbacks the murder of Eric Draven (Brandon Lee), and of his fiance Shelley Webster on Devil's Night.
One year later, on the same date, Eric Draven is brought back to set things right.
So all that to say, have a happy Devil's Night (and watch the Crow with my link above) and an even better Halloween

R.E.D Campbell

1 comment:

Elisa de la Torre said...

They don't The shadow of the wind in spanish..however they do have the english translation, lol, so I guess that will do. I'll pass by and get it sometime..
oh hey, have you watched "Keith"? If you haven't you must..I think you're gonna love it. so intense