Monday, January 29, 2007

A Random Act Of Kindness

When I was still living in London in 2006 I went to town with my sister Angelina and I really wanted her to buy me this low-priced book but she decided that I didn't really need it.
Childishly, I stormed out of the shop and sat down on a stone ledge.
After twenty minutes of feeling sorry for myself a thickly bearded man, clearly in his 40's, approached me and asked if I was alright, I told him 'yes' and as he slowly continued on his way he told me to 'never stop smiling'.
When he was gone I almost cried, I would give up everything just to talk with him for an hour.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The White Stuff Has Come: Day 1

So, I looked out my window yesterday morning and everything was coated with white.

I snapped as many decent pictures as possible cuz I wasn't sure if the snow would last.

It's late by a long shot but at least it came.

Monday, January 22, 2007


I've officially become completely uncapable of getting enough sleep.
Isn't it wonderful!?
I should start a lame club available at 2:00 in the morning.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

100% Individual

For most of my life I've never been around a sort of guy you could call a "father figure", so all my traits and aspects of my personality are completely uninfluenced in that way.
I am, and always will be, purely my self and never like what my Dad was or is now, that's what I'm most proud of.

Monday, January 15, 2007

You Can't Catch Me I'm The Gingerbread Person

The world has totally gone crazy!
It started off as all the rights being kept for white people then it was total equality and now it's completely over done, people are so overly anti-discrimination and wild about both sexes being treated equally that actresses are called actors and they even call a chairman a chairperson so it can apply to females.
And trust me, I'm saying this with the most un-sexist attitude you can get trust me I'm not bias or prejudice against anything.
A lot of my friends aren't exactly what you would call 'normal', I'm quarter black and I grew up in the family with a mother and four sisters, so i had to start getting along with girls or i was screwed.
Anyway, all this to say: Why can't people get a balance?!?!?
I mean, pretty soon we're going to be calling that nice little dude from fairytales a Gingerbreadperson!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

New - Yrs

I went to see the fireworks in Zurich at 12:30 till 1:00 New-Yrs Eve.
I've got nothing to show for it but bruises from being mashed on the way back and these few words:
I hear shouting, see people holding eachother and smiling, people kissing, people drinking beer, damn, I wish you were here.