Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yes it is . . .
Slept till 1:00 which isn't so bad considering I didn't go to sleep till 5:00.

After waking up to the sound of a Jesus movie and my Niece's various activities I . . .
Wait, I stayed in bed.
Reminiscing over 'The Spirit' which I had watched that night.
First time I heard about it I went mental with my love for it for about 2 months or so then of course I started to realise that there was nobody in this universe that had anthing good to say about it.
So, it actually wasn't as bad as I was lead to believe though it didn't even come near to being as beautiful as the trailer.

And I've continued on to monitor my Complete Placebo Video Collection torrent in it's slow progress.
It includes live performances which is just wonderful.
Because I have - all day till now - watched live performances.
They make me so happy.

Proabably the best I've seen is:

As promised here is the link to the ENgel + joE torrent.

Subtitled by Greeen, aided and abetted by Fileto.
Watch it and seed . . .
Books I'm reading now:

Best Book In the World.

So this is mildly entertaining but my word for it is incorrect.
Maybe I'm wrong as not all people my age can be as cool as me.


Definitley a bad idea to take this out of the library
while in the middle of the other two but . . .

Actually I've finished this one but I recommend it
to anyone who can get ahold of a copy.
Wonderful to look at and



Now all of you leave me alone.

R.E.D Cambpell

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