Friday, September 19, 2008

Scorch Webcomic: 'The Dark Knight' Intermission

And I thought I liked The Joker already . . . :D
I found this article from someone's Blog while looking for shots of the Joker:

"Aside from playing a role which was draining him by it’s evil and wicked qualities, Ledger was actually ‘warned’ about what the role would do to him. Apparently, a reporter was able to get a quick interview with Jack Nicholson (The actor who portrayed the joker in the 1989 Film adaption of ‘Batman.’) When informed of Ledger’s death, Nicholson commented: “That’s awful… I warned him.” So what is it that Nicholson actually warned Ledger of? The dangers of sleeping pills? Or the danger of taking on such as sinister role as the Joker? Nicholson didn’t explain his comments any further."

I don't take these things seriously at most times, but . . . really . . .

R.E.D Campbell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved The Dark Knight.
Personally, I felt that the Joker's character was a deemed MORE powerful what with Ledger not being around to see the success of the film.But then it begs the question:Would the film have been as successful if Ledger was alive?